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third party logistics partner

9 Steps to Find the Right Third-Party Logistics Partner

A retail firm’s supply chain is considered complete when supply management and outsourced logistics services like shipping, packing, and warehousing are used effectively to fulfill orders. Hence, as a retail company, partnering with the right third-party logistics partner can help you reach heights and deliver results as per your expectations.

But, choosing a 3PL company can be a difficult process since there are various aspects that need to be considered. But first, let us understand the 3PL partners in general:

3PL Logistics Partners

3PL Logistics Partners outsources logistics and supply chain management services using transportation to fulfill orders. A perfect 3PL logistics partner helps companies avoid any extra expenses on labor, equipment, and storage space as they follow a constructive timetable in delivering the goods as per order, and this, increases the scalability margin of the company regardless of the supply and demand rise values.

9 Steps to Find the Right 3PL Logistic Partner

Now that you know about 3PL logistics partners, the below 9 steps will help you find the right third-party logistics partner:

Conducting Good Research

Nowadays, you can find various options in 3PL logistics services that precisely provide vivid services, expertise management, and carrier-related information. You need to do good research work that includes the following: reliability, client approach, special services, and time involved in the logistic delivery.

Examine Whether Your 3PL Uses Cutting-Edge Technology

Modern 3PLs have evolved with their logistics services and have incorporated technology to meet consumer demand. So make sure to properly evaluate your third logistics partner and see if they follow any robust technology that lets a consumer keep track of their orders.

Looking for Stability

Searching for stability is important because you can’t just keep changing the third logistics partner according to the business growth, as it could affect the business operations in the long run. Ensure that the logistics partner you select has a proven track record of surviving in the event of an economic downturn as well.

Keep a Background Check

As you know, stability is one of the key factors driving the business to success. Thus, while looking for a 3PL logistics partner, you must have proper information on their previous practices, logistic methods, and reliable approach to maintain a structural customer relationship.

Analyze 3PL Partners’ Potential

Most 3PLs handle a variety of industries. So, make sure your logistic partner is reliable and competent to fulfill your requirements. For instance, you may find that some 3PLS are good with eCommerce business. On the other hand, others may be good at retail or B2B. Ensure that your 3PL provider has the capability to satisfy both your short-term as well as long-term needs.

Customer Service

A good 3PL logistics partner should prioritize customer service, responsiveness, and communication. Look for a logistic service provider that deals directly with the customers.

Figure out Specialties

Figuring out the specialties of a 3PL logistics partner is essential. This will help you figure out if the provider is right fit for you or not. This could determine a long-term relationship with the customers.

Expertise in Different Channels.

While operating a business, you might not be sure whether the service you could offer is either D2C [Direct-to-consumer] or B2B [Business-to-Business]. Thus, looking for a 3PL logistics partner who can operate both is important.

Connect with Sustainability

A 3PL logistics partner will be committed to sustainability. We will always try to maintain an effective strategy of following updated technology in processing the delivery services. Help improve cost-savings and customer service.


We know that choosing a 3PL provider who can handle your logistics operations efficiently can be an overwhelming process. But at US Ravens, we provide you and your customers with the best 3PL services. We look forward to building a long-term partnership with you!  Get in touch with a reliable 3PL partner today!!
